Preclinical Trials

Screening Test

Used to determine effectiveness of new drug candidates, typically conducted in a high-throughput manner.

Isolated Organs & Bacterial Cultures

Assess safety and efficacy of new drugs. Studies effects on specific tissues/cells (isolated organs/cultures) or whole organism (animal models).

General Observational Tests

Non-specific tests gathering information about drug effects. Includes observations of animal behavior, physiology, or anatomy.

Confirmatory Tests & Analogous activities

Confirmatory tests confirm findings of earlier studies. Analogous activities are similar but not for regulatory purposes.

Toxicity Test

Determines drug safety, typically conducted in a dose-dependent manner to see effects at different doses.

Mechanism of Action

Studies the biochemical process by which a drug produces its effect.

Systemic Pharmacology

Studies the effects of a drug on the whole body.

Quantitative Test

Measures drug effects. Can measure drug concentration, amount metabolized, or effects on specific organs.


Studies how the body absorbs, distributes, metabolizes, and excretes a drug.

Medical Device Testing

Biocompatibility Testing

Tests the compatibility of a medical device with living tissue.

Sterilization Validation

Ensures that a medical device is free from microorganisms.

Packaging Validation

Ensures that a medical device is properly packaged to maintain sterility.

Custom Breeding

Genetically Modified Animals

Breed animals with specific genetic modifications for research purposes.

Custom Strains

Develop custom strains of animals to meet specific research needs.

Animal Husbandry

Provide animal care and husbandry services for research animals.

Toxicology Services

Acute Toxicity Testing

Tests the toxic effects of a single exposure to a substance.

Subacute Toxicity Testing

Tests the toxic effects of repeated exposure to a substance over a short period.

Chronic Toxicity Testing

Tests the toxic effects of repeated exposure to a substance over a long period.

All Other Services

Qualitative Tests

  • MEM Elution
  • Agar Overlay Assays
  • Direct Contact Test

Quantitative Tests

  • MTT Assay
  • XTT Assay
  • Neutral Red Uptake (NRU)
  • Colony Formation

Irritation Test

  • Primary Skin Irritation Test
  • Intracutaneous Reactivity Test
  • Ocular Irritation Test
  • Mucosal/Special Irritation Test (Oral, Rectal, Vaginal & Penile)

Skin Sensitization Tests

  • Buehler Sensitization Method
  • Guinea Pig Maximisation Test (Magnusson-Kligman)
  • Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA)

Systemic Toxicity Tests

  • Acute
  • Sub-acute
  • Sub-chronic
  • Chronic

Pyrogenicity Tests

  • In vitro Bacterial Endotoxins
  • Material Mediated Rabbit Pyrogenicity Test

Implantation Studies

  • Intramuscular
  • Subcutaneous
  • Bone

Plastics Testing

  • In vitro Biological Reactivity Tests
  • In vivo Biological Reactivity Tests

Biological Safety Evaluation

  • Biological Evaluation Plan
  • Toxicological Risk Assessment
  • Biological Evaluation Report

Genotoxicity Testing

  • Bacterial Reverse Mutation (AMES) Test
  • Mouse Lymphoma Assay
  • In vitro & In vivo Micronucleus Test
  • In vitro & In vivo Chromosomal Aberration

Hemocompatibility Tests

  • Hemolysis Test
  • Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)
  • Complement Activation (C3a & SC5b-9)
  • Platelet Aggregation / Activation
  • Leukocyte Activation Test
  • Haematology Test

Other Tests

  • Carcinogenicity
  • Reproductive Toxicity
  • Teratogenicity
  • Genotoxicity Testing
  • Biological Safety Evaluation